We provide Supported Accommodation for care leavers aged 16 to 18. We will extend our services beyond 18 by agreement with the placing authority.
We want our service to deliver hope and optimism for all young people who we work with. Integrating them into society and building their independence and self-reliance.
So that they have the opportunity to be healthy, happy and prosper.
We will help to build community development networks and support around each young person. We will tailor the support to the individual young person.
We will initially provide intensive support early on and gradually taper it off as the young person makes progress with their independent living skills.
We will promote and encourage independence in all of our intervention and in every element of our service provision and design.
Our clients will be able to access specific and targeted supported 24/7, whilst they are in placement.
Each client will have a named key worker that will support them until the individual’s needs are met. This will help to build trust and reduce any distress caused by the move to the new environment.
We will provide informed guidance and advice to all of our clients and our service will provide equal access to all clients irrespective of their age, disability, gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation.
SAAIL will employ suitably qualified and experienced staff and we will work very closely with all placing authorities to ensure that we are meeting and exceeding your expectations of the service that you have purchased from us.
SAAIL will work in partnership with other key stakeholders to safeguard and protect young people who are placed with us. We will maximize the prevention of abuse and if required we will co-operate fully with all investigative allegations of abuse against our clients.
SAAIL will ensure that the recruitment, selection, and training of its staff are consistent with the standards of service required for the performance of the service. We will provide the council with details of all staff who deliver services on our behalf.
On request, we will provide CV’s DBS numbers and dates as well as job descriptions.SAAIL will comply with the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will ensure that all of our staff have the right to work in the UK.
SAAIL will meet any nationally recognized standards which may be introduced by Regulatory Bodies and apply them to the service from time to time during the contract period.
SAAIL aims to ensure that all of our clients become healthier and more independent by the time they leave our service. SAAIL would hope that all of our clients are able to access good jobs, feel the benefit of economic growth, feel safer, happier and more supported in the local community. We will help our clients to become tenancy ready by the time they move into their own tenancy.
We have organized our service so that it is outcome-driven, with the aim of supporting the development of greater integration and independence for service users. SAAIL will ensure that each service user’s experience is welcoming and supportive.
1. Placement stability
2. Reduction in support versus an increase in support
3. A young person in education, training or employment.
4. Building relationships with staff, social workers and family members.
5. Becoming tenancy ready.
We will measure these areas of our service delivery each quarter.
SAAIL will ensure that all of its facilities are risk assessed. We will do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury to protect staff and service users and others from hazards. We will ensure that Health and Safety risk assessments are in place at all times for all aspects of the service.
SAAIL will comply with all Health and Safety Regulations and guidance relating to every element of the service. We will ensure that all of our staff are issued with the Health and Safety Policy Statement in compliance with safe working practices. We will ensure that all of our buildings used for the purpose of service delivery adequately meet the needs of all of our clients
To this end we have chosen all of our properties carefully typically they are ‘New Builds’ because we want all of our clients to exceed their own expectations regarding the type of property allocated to them when they leave. We believe that our properties should reflect the type of provision a young person is likely to move into when they leave SAAIL.
SAAIL will ensure that at all times a secure and safe method of electronic data recording and transfer and exchange of information is in place. We will keep an audit trail and records of all transactions and expenditures.
We will implement the Data Protection Act 1998 and information relating to clients will be managed in an efficient, effective and secure way, whilst maintaining a balance between confidentiality and openness.
Each client will be asked to provide honest feedback on the service that they have received. A procedure is in place for service users to provide us with compliments, and complaints.
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